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SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

It is a Recruiting website for the Students and the working professionals.

Toaster Ui

murtazajoo's github profile

Toaster-Ui is a lightweight javascript library that allows you to easily display toast messages in your web application.

Tetris Game

Mukesh751's github profile

This project is a clone of 90s famous game Tetris

Navbar using Pure reactjs

singodiyashubham87's github profile

Basic Navbar using reactjs and no JSX

Book Recommendation System

Sakhi29's github profile

A book recommendation system using content and collaborative filtering based techniques with good frontend using Flask

Gym Application

Akshatchaube01's github profile

This website allows users to add their favorite exercises with a video demonstration, blogs and diet plans.


aparna03dubey's github profile

A web application that counts the daily water intake of an indivisual.


Akash-Tandale001's github profile

Developed a Crypto tracking web application, that provides over 2000+ crypto coin details with a graphical representation of each crypto coin trend history over the last year, month, or day and can view pricing in various currencies.

Time Watcher

Avdhesh-Varshney's github profile

This project can tell you about how much time has gone from the entered date and time even in milli-seconds.

Number To Words Convertor

Avdhesh-Varshney's github profile

This project can convert the entered number into international system of numbering instantly.